We start with a simple truth: it starts with you.
The changes you want to see in your life—no one else can make them happen. Others can cheer you on, but the first move is yours. It starts with you.
I hope you have a strong support system around you. Friends, family, a partner—these people are vital for lasting change. But no matter how much they believe in you, it starts with you.
I hope fortune favors you along the way. A little luck never hurts, and sometimes it makes all the difference. But even then, it starts with you.
And that inner battle—the one that whispers, “Skip the gym today,” or “You’re too tired to start now”—only you can face it. No one else can fight that fight for you. It starts with you.
Change is hard. Growth is uncomfortable. But the power to take the first step, to keep going, and to see it through has always been in your hands. It starts with you.